Thursday 1 November 2012

My Autumnal Saviours: Products I'm Loving Right Now

Avon Eyeshadow Quad in Smoke & Mirrors (unfortunately Smoke & Mirrors is now unavailable)

When the darker nights draw in, and the weather gets colder, inevitably I find that my beauty needs and wants change from my spring/summer favourites. I've already been through my make-up bag, changing MAC's 'Dame' blush to 'Dainty' for a rosier glow and swapping my daily eyeshadow palette for plums and greys. At the moment I'm loving an eyeshadow palette I got from Avon a little while ago. I use the pale blue shade in the corners, following with the pale pinky shade all over the lid, and I use the dark purple shade in the outer corners to create a nude/plum smokey eye.

Beauty products aside, my skin seems to have a mind of its own, as soon as it gets to September/October, and the weather gets colder, my skin starts to dry out. I end up with chapped lips and dry hands.

I'm always looking out for new moisturising products to try, whether it be hand creams or lip balms. These selected items are my go-to products of the moment. I recently purchased Carmex strawberry. I seem to carry it everywhere I go. I love the strawberry scent and the tingle that you normally get with the original Carmex is still there, which I like. I find it helps moisturise my lips quite fast, which means I can still wear lipsticks (that normally dry my lips out straight away) in winter months.

I also juggle hand creams. I find if I use the same one over and over, my skin gets used to it, so I try to shake it up a bit. I use Lanolips Rose Balm when my hands are in dire need of help and the rest of the time I find myself using Soap & Glory Hand Food, unless I'm testing a new hand cream.

If you have any suggestions for wonderful mosturising miracles please do let me know :)

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